
Stephen Wong

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9EEZhong Xue, Kelvin Wong, Stephen Wong: Joint Registration and Segmentation of Serial Lung CT Images in Microendoscopy Molecular Image-Guided Therapy. MIAR 2008: 12-20
8EEZheng Xia, Xishi Huang, Xiaobo Zhou, Youxian Sun, V. Ntziachristos, Stephen Wong: Registration of 3-D CT and 2-D Flat Images of Mouse via Affine Transformation. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 12(5): 569-578 (2008)
7EEBo Geng, Xiaobo Zhou, Y. S. Hung, Stephen Wong: Comparison of Bayesian and regression models in missing enzyme identification. IJBRA 4(4): 363-374 (2008)
6EEPeng Zhang, Houqiang Li, Xiaobo Zhou, Stephen Wong: Peak detection using peak tree approach for mass spectrometry data. Int. J. Hybrid Intell. Syst. 5(4): 197-208 (2008)
5EEKai Zhang, Hongkai Xiong, Xiaobo Zhou, Stephen Wong: A 3D Self-Adjust Region Growing Method for Axon Extraction. ICIP (2) 2007: 433-436
4EEStephen Wong: Integrating Bioinformatics Advances into Disease Management Systems to Improve Quality of Care. CSB 2003: 30
3EEStephen Wong, Satoshi Tojo: A Deductive Object-Oriented Database System for Situated Inference in Law. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(3): 496-503 (1996)
2 Stephen Wong, J. C. Fu, Carol A. Troy: A Product Assembly and Restoration Planning System for Ecologically Conscious Factories. DIISM 1993: 319-329
1EEKatsumi Nitta, Stephen Wong, Yoshihisa Ohtake: A Computational Model for Trial Reasoning. ICAIL 1993: 20-29

Coauthor Index

1J. C. Fu [2]
2Bo Geng [7]
3Xishi Huang [8]
4Y. S. Hung [7]
5Houqiang Li [6]
6Katsumi Nitta [1]
7V. Ntziachristos [8]
8Yoshihisa Ohtake [1]
9Youxian Sun [8]
10Satoshi Tojo [3]
11Carol A. Troy [2]
12Kelvin Wong [9]
13Zheng Xia [8]
14Hongkai Xiong [5]
15Zhong Xue [9]
16Kai Zhang [5]
17Peng Zhang [6]
18Xiaobo Zhou [5] [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)