
Alexander Wolfe

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10EEAlexander Wolfe: Toolkit: Java is Jumpin'. ACM Queue 1(10): 16-19 (2004)
9EEAlexander Wolfe: Toolkit: Get Your Graphics On: OpenGL Advances with the Times. ACM Queue 2(1): 10-13 (2004)
8EEAlexander Wolfe: Toolkit: Intel's Heavy-Duty Dev Tools. ACM Queue 2(2): 12-17 (2004)
7EEAlexander Wolfe: Toolkit: Grid Tools: Coming to a Cluster Near You. ACM Queue 2(4): 20-23 (2004)
6EEAlexander Wolfe: Toolkit: Samba Does Windows-to-Linux Dance. ACM Queue 2(5): 18-21 (2004)
5EEAlexander Wolfe: Toolkit: Longhorn Ties Platform Apps to Core Operating System. ACM Queue 2(6): 16-19 (2004)
4EEAlexander Wolfe: There's still some life left in Ada. ACM Queue 2(7): 28-31 (2004)
3EEAlexander Wolfe: Toolkit: Microsoft's Compact Framework Targets Smart Devices. ACM Queue 1(7): 10-12 (2003)
2EEAlexander Wolfe: Toolkit: Eclipse: A Platform Becomes an Open-Source Woodstock. ACM Queue 1(8): 14-16 (2003)
1EEAlexander Wolfe: Toolkit: GNU Tools: Relevant? ACM Queue 1(9): 14-17 (2003)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)