
Kent Wittenburg

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26EEKent Wittenburg, Tom Lanning, Darren Leigh, Kathy Ryall: Visualizing antenna design spaces. AVI 2008: 83-90
25EEKent Wittenburg, Tom Lanning, Derek L. Schwenke, Hal Shubin, Anthony Vetro: The prospects for unrestricted speech input for TV content search. AVI 2006: 352-359
24EEClifton Forlines, Bent Schmidt-Nielsen, Bhiksha Raj, Kent Wittenburg, Peter Wolf: A Comparison Between Spoken Queries and Menu-Based Interfaces for In-car Digital Music Selection. INTERACT 2005: 536-549
23EEAlan Esenther, Kent Wittenburg: Multi-user Multi-touch Games on DiamondTouch with the DTFlash Toolkit. INTETAIN 2005: 315-319
22EEPaul H. Dietz, Ramesh Raskar, Shane Booth, Jeroen van Baar, Kent Wittenburg, Brian Knep: Multi-projectors and implicit interaction in persuasive public displays. AVI 2004: 209-217
21EEKent Wittenburg, Clifton Forlines, Tom Lanning, Alan Esenther, Shigeo Harada, Taizo Miyachi: Rapid serial visual presentation techniques for consumer digital video devices. UIST 2003: 115-124
20EEMark D. Apperley, Robert Spence, Kent Wittenburg: Selecting One from Many: The Development of a Scalable Visualization Tool. HCC 2001: 366-372
19EEKent Wittenburg, Tom Lanning, Michael Heinrichs, Michael Stanton: Parallel bargrams for consumer-based information exploration and choice. UIST 2001: 51-60
18 Tom Lanning, Kent Wittenburg, Michael Heinrichs, Christina Fyock, Glenn Li: Multidimensional Information Visualization through Sliding Rods. Advanced Visual Interfaces 2000: 173-180
17EEKent Wittenburg, John R. Nicol, James Paschetto, Christopher Martin: Browsing with Dynamic Key Frame Collages in Web-Based Entertainment Video Services. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 913-918
16EEKent Wittenburg, Wissam Ali-Ahmad, Daniel LaLiberte, Tom Lanning: Rapid-fire image previews for information navigation. AVI 1998: 76-82
15EEKent Wittenburg, Eric Sigman: Integration of Browsing, Searching, and Filtering in an Applet for Web Information Access. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 293-294
14 Kent Wittenburg, Eric Sigman: Visual Focusing and Transition Techniques in a Treeviewer for Web Information Access. VL 1997: 20-27
13 Kent Wittenburg, Louis Weitzman: Qualitative Visualization of Processes: Attributed Graph Layout and Focusing Techniques. Graph Drawing 1996: 401-408
12 Kent Wittenburg: The WWW Information Glut: Implications for Next-Generation HCI Technologies. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 147 (1996)
11 Louis Weitzman, Kent Wittenburg: Grammar-Based Articulation for Multimedia Document Design. Multimedia Syst. 4(3): 99-111 (1996)
10EEKent Wittenburg: Visual Language Parsing: If I Had a Hammer.... Multimodal Human-Computer Communication 1995: 231-249
9 Louis Weitzman, Kent Wittenburg: Automatic Presentation of Multimedia Documents Using Relational Grammars. ACM Multimedia 1994: 443-451
8 Kent Wittenburg: F-PATR: A Functional Constraints for Unification-Based Grammars. ACL 1993: 216-223
7 Louis Weitzman, Kent Wittenburg: Relational gRammars for Interactive Design. VL 1993: 4-11
6 Kent Wittenburg: Earley-style Parsing for Relational Grammars. VL 1992: 192-199
5 Chinatsu Aone, Kent Wittenburg: Zero Morphemes in Unification-Based Combinatory Categorial Grammar. ACL 1990: 188-193
4 Kent Wittenburg, Louis Weitzman: Visual Grammars and Incremental Parsing for Interface Languages. VL 1990: 111-118
3EEKent Wittenburg, Jim Barnett: Canonical Representation In NLP System Design: A Critical Evaluation. ANLP 1988: 253-259
2 Elaine Rich, Jim Barnett, Kent Wittenburg, David A. Wroblewski: Ambiguity Procrastination. AAAI 1987: 571-576
1 Kent Wittenburg: A Parser for Portable NL Interfaces Using Graph-Unification-Based Grammars. AAAI 1986: 1053-1058

Coauthor Index

1Wissam Ali-Ahmad [16]
2Chinatsu Aone [5]
3Mark D. Apperley [20]
4Jeroen van Baar [22]
5Jim Barnett [2] [3]
6Shane Booth [22]
7Paul H. Dietz [22]
8Alan Esenther [21] [23]
9Clifton Forlines [21] [24]
10Christina Fyock [18]
11Shigeo Harada [21]
12Michael Heinrichs [18] [19]
13Brian Knep [22]
14Daniel LaLiberte [16]
15Tom Lanning [16] [18] [19] [21] [25] [26]
16Darren Leigh [26]
17Glenn Li [18]
18Christopher Martin [17]
19Taizo Miyachi [21]
20John R. Nicol [17]
21James Paschetto [17]
22Bhiksha Raj [24]
23Ramesh Raskar [22]
24Elaine Rich [2]
25Kathy Ryall (Kathleen Ryall) [26]
26Bent Schmidt-Nielsen [24]
27Derek L. Schwenke [25]
28Hal Shubin [25]
29Eric Sigman [14] [15]
30Robert Spence [20]
31Michael Stanton [19]
32Anthony Vetro [25]
33Louis Weitzman [4] [7] [9] [11] [13]
34Peter Wolf [24]
35David A. Wroblewski [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)