
Cilia Witteman

C. L. M. Witteman

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9EEErwin W. van Geenen, Cilia Witteman: How experts reason: the acquisition of experts' knowledge structures. Knowledge Eng. Review 21(4): 335-344 (2006)
8EEHenk-Jan Lebbink, Cilia Witteman, John-Jules Ch. Meyer: A Dialogue Game to Offer an Agreement to Disagree. AAMAS 2004: 1238-1239
7EEHenk-Jan Lebbink, Cilia Witteman, John-Jules Ch. Meyer: A Dialogue Game to Offer an Agreement to Disagree. PROMAS 2004: 199-223
6EERobbert-Jan Beun, Eveliene de Vos, Cilia Witteman: Embodied Conversational Agents: Effects on Memory Performance and Anthropomorphisation. IVA 2003: 315-319
5EECilia Witteman, Silja Renooij: Evaluation of a verbal-numerical probability scale. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 33(2): 117-131 (2003)
4 Linda C. van der Gaag, Silja Renooij, C. L. M. Witteman, B. M. P. Aleman, B. G. Taal: Probabilities for a probabilistic network: a case study in oesophageal cancer. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 25(2): 123-148 (2002)
3EELinda C. van der Gaag, C. L. M. Witteman, Silja Renooij, Michael Egmont-Petersen: The Effects of Disregarding Test Characteristics in Probabilistic Networks. AIME 2001: 188-198
2EELinda C. van der Gaag, Silja Renooij, C. L. M. Witteman, B. M. P. Aleman, B. G. Taal: How to Elicit Many Probabilities. UAI 1999: 647-654
1EESilja Renooij, Cilia Witteman: Talking probabilities: communicating probabilistic information with words and numbers. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 22(3): 169-194 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1B. M. P. Aleman [2] [4]
2Robbert-Jan Beun [6]
3Michael Egmont-Petersen [3]
4Linda C. van der Gaag [2] [3] [4]
5Erwin W. van Geenen [9]
6Henk-Jan Lebbink [7] [8]
7John-Jules Ch. Meyer [7] [8]
8Silja Renooij [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
9B. G. Taal [2] [4]
10Eveliene de Vos [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)