
Claus-Peter Wirth

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26EEClaus-Peter Wirth, Rüdiger Lunde: Writing Positive/Negative-Conditional Equations Conveniently CoRR abs/0902.2975: (2009)
25EERüdiger Lunde, Claus-Peter Wirth: ASF+ --- eine ASF-aehnliche Spezifikationssprache CoRR abs/0902.2995: (2009)
24EEClaus-Peter Wirth: Progress in Computer-Assisted Inductive Theorem Proving by Human-Orientedness and Descente Infinie? CoRR abs/0902.3294: (2009)
23EEClaus-Peter Wirth: Syntactic Confluence Criteria for Positive/Negative-Conditional Term Rewriting Systems CoRR abs/0902.3614: (2009)
22EEClaus-Peter Wirth: A Self-Contained and Easily Accessible Discussion of the Method of Descente Infinie and Fermat's Only Explicitly Known Proof by Descente Infinie CoRR abs/0902.3623: (2009)
21EEClaus-Peter Wirth: lim+, delta+, and Non-Permutability of beta-Steps CoRR abs/0902.3635: (2009)
20EEVolker Mattick, Claus-Peter Wirth: An Algebraic Dexter-Based Hypertext Reference Model CoRR abs/0902.3648: (2009)
19EEClaus-Peter Wirth: Full First-Order Sequent and Tableau Calculi With Preservation of Solutions and the Liberalized delta-Rule but Without Skolemization CoRR abs/0902.3730: (2009)
18EEClaus-Peter Wirth: Hilbert's epsilon as an Operator of Indefinite Committed Choice CoRR abs/0902.3749: (2009)
17EEClaus-Peter Wirth, Jörg H. Siekmann, Christoph Benzmüller, Serge Autexier: Lectures on Jacques Herbrand as a Logician CoRR abs/0902.4682: (2009)
16EEClaus-Peter Wirth: Shallow confluence of conditional term rewriting systems. J. Symb. Comput. 44(1): 60-98 (2009)
15EEClaus-Peter Wirth: Hilbert's epsilon as an operator of indefinite committed choice. J. Applied Logic 6(3): 287-317 (2008)
14EESerge Autexier, Christoph Benzmüller, Dominik Dietrich, Andreas Meier, Claus-Peter Wirth: A Generic Modular Data Structure for Proof Attempts Alternating on Ideas and Granularity. MKM 2005: 126-142
13EEClaus-Peter Wirth: History and Future of Implicit and Inductionless Induction: Beware the Old Jade and the Zombie! Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning 2005: 192-203
12EEClaus-Peter Wirth: Descente Infinie + Deduction. Logic Journal of the IGPL 12(1): 1-96 (2004)
11EEJürgen Avenhaus, Ulrich Kühler, Tobias Schmidt-Samoa, Claus-Peter Wirth: How to Prove Inductive Theorems? QUODLIBET! CADE 2003: 328-333
10EEJörg H. Siekmann, Christoph Benzmüller, Vladimir Brezhnev, Lassaad Cheikhrouhou, Armin Fiedler, Andreas Franke, Helmut Horacek, Michael Kohlhase, Andreas Meier, Erica Melis, Markus Moschner, Immanuel Normann, Martin Pollet, Volker Sorge, Carsten Ullrich, Claus-Peter Wirth, Jürgen Zimmer: Proof Development with OMEGA. CADE 2002: 144-149
9EEClaus-Peter Wirth: A New Indefinite Semantics for Hilbert's Epsilon. TABLEAUX 2002: 298-314
8 Claus-Peter Wirth: Full First-Order Free Variable Sequents and Tableaux in Implicit Induction. TABLEAUX 1999: 293-307
7EEClaus-Peter Wirth: Full First-Order Sequent and Tableau Calculi with Preservation of Solutions and the Liberalized delta-Rule but without Skolemization. FTP (LNCS Selection) 1998: 282-297
6 Ulrich Kühler, Claus-Peter Wirth: Conditional Equational Specifications of Data Types with Partial Operations for Inductive Theorem Proving. RTA 1997: 38-52
5 Bernhard Gramlich, Claus-Peter Wirth: Confluence of Terminating Conditional Rewrite Systems Revisited. RTA 1996: 245-259
4 Claus-Peter Wirth, Bernhard Gramlich: On Notions of Inductive Validity for First-Oder Equational Clauses. CADE 1994: 162-176
3 Claus-Peter Wirth, Klaus Becker: Abstract Notions and Inference Systems for Proofs by Mathematical Induction. CTRS 1994: 353-373
2 Claus-Peter Wirth, Bernhard Gramlich: A Constructor-Based Approach to Positive/Negative-Conditional Equational Specifications. J. Symb. Comput. 17(1): 51-90 (1994)
1 Claus-Peter Wirth, Bernhard Gramlich: A Constructor-Based Approach for Positive/Negative-Conditional Equational Specifications. CTRS 1992: 198-212

Coauthor Index

1Serge Autexier [14] [17]
2Jürgen Avenhaus [11]
3Klaus Becker [3]
4Christoph Benzmüller (Christoph Benzmueller) [10] [14] [17]
5Vladimir Brezhnev [10]
6Lassaad Cheikhrouhou [10]
7Dominik Dietrich [14]
8Armin Fiedler [10]
9Andreas Franke [10]
10Bernhard Gramlich [1] [2] [4] [5]
11Helmut Horacek [10]
12Michael Kohlhase [10]
13Ulrich Kühler [6] [11]
14Rüdiger Lunde [25] [26]
15Volker Mattick [20]
16Andreas Meier [10] [14]
17Erica Melis [10]
18Markus Moschner [10]
19Immanuel Normann [10]
20Martin Pollet [10]
21Tobias Schmidt-Samoa [11]
22Jörg H. Siekmann [10] [17]
23Volker Sorge [10]
24Carsten Ullrich [10]
25Jürgen Zimmer [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)