
Leon E. Winslow

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7EELeon E. Winslow: Problem specification with action machines. SIGCSE 1993: 189-192
6EELeon E. Winslow, Joseph E. Lang: Ada in CS1. SIGCSE 1989: 209-212
5EERaghava G. Gowda, Leon E. Winslow: Software engineering at the University of Dayton (abstract only). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1987: 431
4 Leon E. Winslow, Yuan-Chieh Chow: The Analysis and Design of Some New Sorting Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(7): 677-683 (1983)
3 Henry W. Davis, Leon E. Winslow: Computational Power in Query Languages. SIAM J. Comput. 11(3): 547-554 (1982)
2EELeon E. Winslow, Yuan-Chieh Chow: Parallel sorting machines: their speed and efficiency. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1981: 163-165
1EELeon E. Winslow, J. C. Lee: Optimal Choice of Data Restructuring Points. VLDB 1975: 353-363

Coauthor Index

1Yuan-Chieh Chow [2] [4]
2Henry W. Davis [3]
3Raghava G. Gowda [5]
4Joseph E. Lang [6]
5J. C. Lee [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)