
Joost Winne

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4EEIliya Bouyukliev, Veerle Fack, Joost Winne: 2-(31, 15, 7), 2-(35, 17, 8) and 2-(36, 15, 6) designs with automorphisms of odd prime order, and their related Hadamard matrices and codes. Des. Codes Cryptography 51(2): 105-122 (2009)
3EEVeerle Fack, Szabolcs L. Fancsali, Leo Storme, Geertrui Van de Voorde, Joost Winne: Small weight codewords in the codes arising from Desarguesian projective planes. Des. Codes Cryptography 46(1): 25-43 (2008)
2EEIliya Bouyukliev, Veerle Fack, Wolfgang Willems, Joost Winne: Projective two-weight codes with small parameters and their corresponding graphs. Des. Codes Cryptography 41(1): 59-78 (2006)
1EEVeerle Fack, Svetlana Topalova, Joost Winne, Rosen Zlatarski: Enumeration of the doubles of the projective plane of order 4. Discrete Mathematics 306(18): 2141-2151 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Iliya Bouyukliev [2] [4]
2Veerle Fack [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Szabolcs L. Fancsali [3]
4Leo Storme [3]
5Svetlana Topalova [1]
6Geertrui Van de Voorde [3]
7Wolfgang Willems [2]
8Rosen Zlatarski [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)