
Barry E. Willner

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3 Miriam J. Masullo, Seraphin B. Calo, Tam Ngyuen, Barry E. Willner: Multimedia On-Demand and the Organization of Educational Systems. University Education Uses of Visualization in Scientific Computing 1993: 131-134
2EERichard P. King, Henry F. Korth, Barry E. Willner: Design of a Document Filing and Retrieval System. DATA BASE 15(2): 24-28 (1984)
1EERichard P. King, Henry F. Korth, Barry E. Willner: Design of a Document Filing and Retrieval Service. Databases for Business and Office Applications 1983: 96-101

Coauthor Index

1Seraphin B. Calo [3]
2Richard P. King [1] [2]
3Henry F. Korth [1] [2]
4Miriam J. Masullo [3]
5Tam Ngyuen [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)