
Keith E. Williamson

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8 Keith E. Williamson, Michael Healy, Richard A. Barker: Industrial Applications of Software Synthesis via Category Theory-Case Studies Using Specware. Autom. Softw. Eng. 8(1): 7-30 (2001)
7EEMichael Healy, Keith E. Williamson: Invited Talk: Applying Category Theory to Derive Engineering Software from Encoded Knowledge. AMAST 2000: 484-498
6 Keith E. Williamson, Michael Healy, Richard A. Barker: Reuse of Knowledge at an Appropriate Level of Abstraction - Case Studies Using Specware. ICSR 2000: 58-73
5EEKeith E. Williamson, Michael Healy: Industrial Applications of Software Synthesis via Category Theory. ASE 1999: 35-43
4EEKeith E. Williamson, Michael Healy: Formally Specifying Engineering Design Rationale. ASE 1997: 317-318
3EERobert Jasper, Mike Brennan, Keith E. Williamson, Bill Currier, David Zimmerman: Test Data Generation and Feasible Path Analysis. ISSTA 1994: 95-107
2 Alexander Borgida, Tom M. Mitchell, Keith E. Williamson: Learning Improved Integrity Constraints and Schemes From Exceptions in Data and Knowledge Bases. On Knowledge Base Management Systems (Islamorada) 1985: 259-286
1EEAlexander Borgida, Keith E. Williamson: Accommodating Exceptions in Databases, and Refining the Schema by Learning from them. VLDB 1985: 72-81

Coauthor Index

1Richard A. Barker [6] [8]
2Alexander Borgida [1] [2]
3Mike Brennan [3]
4Bill Currier [3]
5Michael Healy [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
6Robert Jasper [3]
7Tom M. Mitchell [2]
8David Zimmerman [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)