
Thomas R. Willemain

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10EEPieter A. Sheth-Voss, Thomas R. Willemain, Jorge Haddock: Estimating the steady-state mean from short transient simulations. European Journal of Operational Research 162(2): 403-417 (2005)
9EEHuaiyu Harry Ma, Thomas R. Willemain: Better Selection of the Best. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 639-644
8EEMihoko V. Bennett, Thomas R. Willemain: The Filtered Nearest Neighbor Method for Generating Low-Discrepancy Sequences. INFORMS Journal on Computing 16(1): 68-72 (2004)
7EETravis A. Dahl, Thomas R. Willemain: The effect of long-memory arrivals on queue performance. Oper. Res. Lett. 29(3): 123-127 (2001)
6EEAndrew W. Crapo, Laurie B. Waisel, William A. Wallace, Thomas R. Willemain: Visualization and the process of modeling: a cognitive-theoretic view. KDD 2000: 218-226
5EERobert Rush, John M. Mulvey, John E. Mitchell, Thomas R. Willemain: Stratified filtered sampling in stochastic optimization. JAMDS 4(1): 17-38 (2000)
4EELaurie B. Waisel, William A. Wallace, Thomas R. Willemain: Visualizing modeling heuristics: an exploratory study. ICIS 1999: 166-177
3EEPieter A. Voss, Jorge Haddock, Thomas R. Willemain: Estimating Steady State Mean from Short Transient Simulations. Winter Simulation Conference 1996: 222-229
2EEY. B. Kim, Thomas R. Willemain, Jorge Haddock, George C. Runger: The threshold bootstrap: a new approach to simulation output analysis. Winter Simulation Conference 1993: 498-502
1EEJorge Haddock, Thomas R. Willemain: Sequential Bayesian analysis of simulation experiments. Winter Simulation Conference 1990: 276-280

Coauthor Index

1Mihoko V. Bennett [8]
2Andrew W. Crapo [6]
3Travis A. Dahl [7]
4Jorge Haddock [1] [2] [3] [10]
5Y. B. Kim [2]
6Huaiyu Harry Ma [9]
7John E. Mitchell [5]
8John M. Mulvey [5]
9George C. Runger [2]
10Robert Rush [5]
11Pieter A. Sheth-Voss [10]
12Pieter A. Voss [3]
13Laurie B. Waisel [4] [6]
14William A. Wallace [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)