
Wilbert E. Wilhelm

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9EEDong Liang, Wilbert E. Wilhelm: Decomposition schemes and acceleration techniques in application to production-assembly-distribution system design. Computers & OR 35(12): 4010-4026 (2008)
8EEWilbert E. Wilhelm, Nilanjan D. Choudhury, Purushothaman Damodaran: A model to optimize placement operations on dual-head placement machines. Discrete Optimization 4(2): 232-256 (2007)
7EENilanjan D. Choudhury, Wilbert E. Wilhelm, Brijesh Rao, Jonathan Gott, Nikhilesh Khotekar: Process planning for circuit card assembly on a series of dual head placement machines. European Journal of Operational Research 182(2): 626-639 (2007)
6EEXiaoyan Zhu, Wilbert E. Wilhelm: Three-stage approaches for optimizing some variations of the resource constrained shortest-path sub-problem in a column generation context. European Journal of Operational Research 183(2): 564-577 (2007)
5EESergiy Butenko, Wilbert E. Wilhelm: Clique-detection models in computational biochemistry and genomics. European Journal of Operational Research 173(1): 1-17 (2006)
4EEDeepak Warrier, Wilbert E. Wilhelm, Jeffrey S. Warren, Illya V. Hicks: A branch-and-price approach for the maximum weight independent set problem. Networks 46(4): 198-209 (2005)
3EEWilbert E. Wilhelm, Radu Gadidov: A Branch-and-Cut Approach for a Generic Multiple-Product, Assembly-System Design Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 16(1): 39-55 (2004)
2EELawrence David Drees, Wilbert E. Wilhelm: Scheduling experiments on a nuclear reactor using mixed integer programming. Computers & OR 28(10): 1013-1037 (2001)
1EEAnulark Pinnoi, Wilbert E. Wilhelm: A Branch and Cut Approach for Workload Smoothing on Assembly Lines. INFORMS Journal on Computing 9(4): 335-350 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Sergiy Butenko [5]
2Nilanjan D. Choudhury [7] [8]
3Purushothaman Damodaran [8]
4Lawrence David Drees [2]
5Radu Gadidov [3]
6Jonathan Gott [7]
7Illya V. Hicks [4]
8Nikhilesh Khotekar [7]
9Dong Liang [9]
10Anulark Pinnoi [1]
11Brijesh Rao [7]
12Jeffrey S. Warren [4]
13Deepak Warrier [4]
14Xiaoyan Zhu [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)