
Marcel Wild

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13EEMarcel Wild: Improving upon Maximum Independent Set by five orders of magnitude CoRR abs/0901.4417: (2009)
12EEMarcel Wild: Weakly submodular rank functions, supermatroids, and the flat lattice of a distributive supermatroid. Discrete Mathematics 308(7): 999-1017 (2008)
11EEMarcel Wild: Generating all cycles, chordless cycles, and Hamiltonian cycles with the principle of exclusion. J. Discrete Algorithms 6(1): 93-102 (2008)
10EEMarcel Wild: The many benefits of putting stack filters into disjunctive or conjunctive normal form. Discrete Applied Mathematics 149(1-3): 174-191 (2005)
9EEMarcel Wild: On Rank Functions of Lattices. Order 22(4): 357-370 (2005)
8EEMarcel Wild: The Asymptotic Number of Binary Codes and Binary Matroids. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19(3): 691-699 (2005)
7EEMarcel Wild: The asymptotic number of binary codes and binary matroids CoRR cs.IT/0408011: (2004)
6EEMarcel Wild: Idempotent and co-idempotent stack filters and min-max operators. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1-3(299): 603-631 (2003)
5 Marcel Wild: On the Idempotency and Co-idempotency of the Morphological Center IJPRAI 15(7): 1119-1128 (2001)
4EEMarcel Wild: Base exchange properties of graphic matroids. Discrete Mathematics 148(1-3): 253-264 (1996)
3EEMarcel Wild: Consequences of the Brylawski-Lucas Theorem for Binary Matroids. Eur. J. Comb. 17(2-3): 309-316 (1996)
2 Marcel Wild: Computations with Finite Closure Systems and Implications. COCOON 1995: 111-120
1EEMarcel Wild: Cover preserving embedding of modular lattices into partition lattices. Discrete Mathematics 112(1-3): 207-244 (1993)

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