
Hans-Peter Wiendahl

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15EEHans-Peter Wiendahl, Thomas Harms, Christian Fiebig: Virtual factory design - a new tool for a co-operative planning approach. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 16(7&8): 535-540 (2003)
14 Hans-Peter Wiendahl, K. Windt, Jens Lopitzsch, Michael Schneider: Managing Bottleneck Resources in Production Networks. APMS 2002: 409-424
13 Gregor von Cieminski, Cieminski Begemann, Stefan Lutz, Michael Schneider, Hans-Peter Wiendahl: Collaborative Supply Chain Planning: A Case Study from the German Cutting Tool Industry. APMS 2002: 83-97
12 Gregor von Cieminski, Marco Macchi, Marco Garetti, Hans-Peter Wiendahl: Proposal of a Reference Framework for Manufacturing Systems Engineering. ICEIMT 2002: 167-176
11 S. Bürkner, Hans-Peter Wiendahl: e-Service for Complex Technical Products - a New Approach fo Supporting Life-cycle Systems. DIISM 2000: 220-227
10 Hans-Peter Wiendahl, Arne Engelbrecht, Oliver Hamacher: From Single Enterprises to Complementary Networks. DIISM 2000: 66-73
9 Hans-Peter Wiendahl, Thomas Harms: The price-date-relationship as a negotiating tool in production planning and control. E-Business and Virtual Enterprises 2000: 327-332
8 Hans-Peter Wiendahl, Stefan Lutz, K. Helms: Management of distributed capacities in variable production networks. APMS 1999: 546-555
7 Hans-Peter Wiendahl, K. Helms: Variable production networks - successful operating in an "alliance of the best". Organizing the Extended Enterprise 1997: 19-31
6 Hans-Peter Wiendahl, J.-W. Breithaupt: Production planning and control on the basis of control theory. APMS 1996: 351-352
5 Hans-Peter Wiendahl, D. Petermann: Production Planning and Control on the Basis of Control Theory. Production Management Methods 1994: 109-116
4 Hans-Peter Wiendahl, P. Scholtissek: A Simulation Based System to Evaluate the Performance of Production Management Systems. Production Management Methods 1994: 187-194
3 Hans-Peter Wiendahl, J. Glässner: A Monitoring System for Decision Support in Procurement and Materials Management. APMS 1993: 107-116
2 Hans-Peter Wiendahl, W. Ullmann: Model-Based Performance Measurement of Manufacturing Logistics. Towards World Class Manufacturing 1993: 397-408
1 Hans-Peter Wiendahl, Peter Nyhuis: Betriebskennlinien in PPS - Grundlagen und Anwendungsbeispiele. Wirtschaftsinformatik 34(5): 527-535 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Cieminski Begemann [13]
2J.-W. Breithaupt [6]
3S. Bürkner [11]
4Gregor von Cieminski [12] [13]
5Arne Engelbrecht [10]
6Christian Fiebig [15]
7Marco Garetti [12]
8J. Glässner [3]
9Oliver Hamacher [10]
10Thomas Harms [9] [15]
11K. Helms [7] [8]
12Jens Lopitzsch [14]
13Stefan Lutz [8] [13]
14Marco Macchi [12]
15Peter Nyhuis [1]
16D. Petermann [5]
17Michael Schneider [13] [14]
18P. Scholtissek [4]
19W. Ullmann [2]
20K. Windt [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)