
Niklas Widell

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3 Maria Kihl, Niklas Widell: Admission control schemes guaranteeing customer QOS in commercial web sites. Net-Con 2002: 305-316
2 Conor McArdle, Niklas Widell, Christian Nyberg, Erik Lilja, Jenny Nyström, Thomas Curran: Load Balancing for a Distributed CORBA-Based SCP. IS&N 2000: 33-48
1 Kristofer Kimbler, Carl-Henrik Hagenfeldt, Niklas Widell, Jan Ellsberger, Gustav Bergman: SDL framework for prototyping and validation of IN services. SDL Forum 1999: 19-32

Coauthor Index

1Gustav Bergman [1]
2Thomas Curran [2]
3Jan Ellsberger [1]
4Carl-Henrik Hagenfeldt [1]
5Maria Kihl [3]
6Kristofer Kimbler [1]
7Erik Lilja [2]
8Conor McArdle [2]
9Christian Nyberg [2]
10Jenny Nyström [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)