
K. Preston White

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13EERoy R. Creasey Jr., K. Preston White, Linda B. Wright, Cheryl F. Davis: Comparison of bayesian priors for highly reliable limit models. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 260-265
12EEWilliam W. Franklin, K. Preston White: Stationarity tests and MSER-5: Exploring the intuition behind mean-squared-error-reduction in detecting and correcting initialization bias. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 541-546
11EEMartin J. Miller, David M. Ferrin, Tanner Flynn, Marshall Ashby, K. Preston White, Michael G. Mauer: Using RFID technologies to capture simulation data in a hospital emergency department. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 1365-1370
10EERoy R. Creasey Jr., K. Preston White: Comparison of limit standards using a sequential probability ratio test. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 356-359
9EERoy R. Creasey Jr., K. Preston White, Melanie B. Marks, Bennie D. Waller: Determination of the "best" system that meets a limit standard. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 718-722
8EEK. Preston White: A survey of data resources for simulating patient flows in healthcare delivery systems. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 926-935
7EEMatthew H. Jones, K. Preston White: Stochastic Approximation with Simulated Annealing as an Approach to Global Discrete-Event Simulation Optimization. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 500-507
6EEK. Preston White, Ryan Fritz, Stephen Horvath, Carlos Orellana II, Jonathan Wohlers, Richard G. Fairbrother, William S. Terry: Manufacturing modeling architectures: architectural concepts for a system simulator for concurrent prototypng of equipment and controls. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 117-122
5EEK. Preston White, Brian Barney, Scott Keller, Robert Schwieters, Jacqueline Villasenor, William S. Terry, Richard G. Fairbrother, Richard D. Saxton: An object-oriented paradigm for simulating postal distribution centers. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 1007-1012
4EEK. Preston White, Michael J. Cobb, Stephen C. Spratt: A comparison of five steady-state truncation heuristics for simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 755-760
3EEK. Preston White: Simulating a nonstationary Poisson process using bivariate thinning: the case of "typical weekday" arrivals at a consumer electronics store. Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 458-461
2EEChristopher W. Zobel, K. Preston White: Determining a warm-up period for a telephone network routing simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 662-665
1EEK. Preston White, Walter J. Trybula: Operational simulation of an x-ray lithography cell: comparison of 200mm and 300mm wafers. Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 865-874

Coauthor Index

1Marshall Ashby [11]
2Brian Barney [5]
3Michael J. Cobb [4]
4Roy R. Creasey Jr. [9] [10] [13]
5Cheryl F. Davis [13]
6Richard G. Fairbrother [5] [6]
7David M. Ferrin [11]
8Tanner Flynn [11]
9William W. Franklin [12]
10Ryan Fritz [6]
11Stephen Horvath [6]
12Matthew H. Jones [7]
13Scott Keller [5]
14Melanie B. Marks [9]
15Michael G. Mauer [11]
16Martin J. Miller [11]
17Carlos Orellana II [6]
18Richard D. Saxton [5]
19Robert Schwieters [5]
20Stephen C. Spratt [4]
21William S. Terry [5] [6]
22Walter J. Trybula [1]
23Jacqueline Villasenor [5]
24Bennie D. Waller [9]
25Jonathan Wohlers [6]
26Linda B. Wright [13]
27Christopher W. Zobel [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)