
Richard J. Whiddett

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6 Charith Nanayakkara, Richard J. Whiddett: A Model of User Acceptance of E-learning Technologies: a Case Study of a Polytechnic in New Zealand. ISTA 2005: 180-190
5EERichard J. Whiddett, J. A. Handy, J. L. Pastor: Integrating case studies and projects in IS management education. ACSE 1997: 52-58
4 Richard J. Whiddett, Michael A. Bailey: Complexity and Maintenance: A Comparative Study of Object-Oriented and Structured Methodologies. OOIS 1997: 7-17
3EEMichael A. Bailey, Richard J. Whiddett: Systems maintenance and development methodologies. ISCNZ 1996: 178
2EEJose L. Pastor Urban, Richard J. Whiddett: The relationship between systems development methodologies and organisational demographics: a survey of New Zealand organisations. ISCNZ 1996: 179
1 Richard J. Whiddett: Dynamic Distributed Systems. Softw., Pract. Exper. 13(4): 355-371 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Michael A. Bailey [3] [4]
2J. A. Handy [5]
3Charith Nanayakkara [6]
4J. L. Pastor [5]
5Jose L. Pastor Urban [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)