
David Wheatley

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4EEGunnar Harboe, Noel Massey, Crysta J. Metcalf, David Wheatley, Guy Romano: The uses of social television. Computers in Entertainment 6(1): (2008)
3EEGunnar Harboe, Noel Massey, Crysta J. Metcalf, David Wheatley, Guy Romano: Perceptions of Value: The Uses of Social Television. EuroITV 2007: 116-125
2EEDavid Wheatley: User-Centered Design and Evaluation of a Concurrent Voice Communication and Media Sharing Application. HCI (3) 2007: 990-999
1EEDeborah A. Boehm-Davis, Aaron Marcus, Paul Allan Green, Hideki Hada, David Wheatley: The next revolution: vehicle user-interfaces and the global rider/driver experience. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 708-709

Coauthor Index

1Deborah A. Boehm-Davis [1]
2Paul Allan Green [1]
3Hideki Hada [1]
4Gunnar Harboe [3] [4]
5Aaron Marcus [1]
6Noel Massey [3] [4]
7Crysta J. Metcalf [3] [4]
8Guy Romano [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)