
Keumchan Whang

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3EEDeok-Kyu Hwang, Seunghoon Hwang, Keumchan Whang: Joint Optimization of Power Allocation and Detection Ordering for Closed-Loop OSIC System. IEICE Transactions 90-B(12): 3606-3611 (2007)
2EEUiyoung Pak, Joonseok Maeng, Iksoo Jin, Keumchan Whang: Performance of Multiple TCM Codes with Transmit Antenna Diversity. AISA 2002: 151-160
1EEYoungseok Kim, Seunghoon Hwang, Dongkyoon Cho, Keumchan Whang: Performance of Antenna Arrays with Reverse-Link Synchronous Transmission Technique for DS-CDMA System in Multipath Fading Channels. AISA 2002: 21-32

Coauthor Index

1Dongkyoon Cho [1]
2Deok-Kyu Hwang [3]
3Seunghoon Hwang [1] [3]
4Iksoo Jin [2]
5Youngseok Kim [1]
6Joonseok Maeng [2]
7Uiyoung Pak [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)