
Keum Chan Whang

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3EESun Young Lee, Keum Chan Whang: A Collaborative Cooperation Scheme using Hierarchical Modulation. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
2EEIl-Hwan Kim, Kyung-Ho Sohn, Young Yong Kim, Keum Chan Whang: Modeling and Analysis of Impatient Packets with Hard Delay Bound in Contention Based Multi-access Environments for Real Time Communication. ICOIN 2005: 609-618
1EESang Woon Lee, Kyoo Jin Han, Keum Chan Whang: Effective FM Bandwidth Estimate Scheme with the DARC in Broadcasting Networks. NPC 2004: 676-683

Coauthor Index

1Kyoo Jin Han [1]
2Il-Hwan Kim [2]
3Young Yong Kim [2]
4Sang Woon Lee [1]
5Sun Young Lee [3]
6Kyung-Ho Sohn [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)