
Tom Whaley

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7EEWayne M. Dymàcek, Matthew Koerlin, Jean-Guy Speton, Tom Whaley, Jennifer Yanulavich: Disconnected Complements of Steinhaus graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 11: 218-232 (2002)
6EEGerard J. Chang, Bhaskar DasGupta, Wayne M. Dymàcek, Martin Fürer, Matthew Koerlin, Yueh-Shin Lee, Tom Whaley: Characterizations of bipartite Steinhaus graphs. Discrete Mathematics 199(1-3): 11-25 (1999)
5EETom Whaley, Anurag Chandra, Noah Egorin, Wayne M. Dymàcek: Parallel searches for hereditary node properties in binary trees. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1998: 280-282
4EEWayne M. Dymàcek, Tom Whaley: Generating strings for bipartite Steinhaus graphs. Discrete Mathematics 141(1-3): 95-107 (1995)
3EEHenry MacKay Walker, Kim B. Bruce, James Bradley, Tom Whaley: Describing the CS forest to undergraduates (abstract). SIGCSE 1994: 369-370
2 Tom Whaley: Alternative Developments of Cyclic-Permutation Algorithms. Inf. Process. Lett. 41(5): 239-241 (1992)
1EETom Whaley: A framework for program verification in the context of linked structures and pointer variables. SIGCSE 1991: 119-123

Coauthor Index

1James Bradley [3]
2Kim B. Bruce [3]
3Anurag Chandra [5]
4Gerard J. Chang [6]
5Bhaskar DasGupta [6]
6Wayne M. Dymàcek [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Noah Egorin [5]
8Martin Fürer [6]
9Matthew Koerlin [6] [7]
10Yueh-Shin Lee [6]
11Jean-Guy Speton [7]
12Henry MacKay Walker [3]
13Jennifer Yanulavich [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)