
Tillman Weyde

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5EEKia C. Ng, Tillman Weyde, Oliver Larkin, Kerstin Neubarth, Thijs Koerselman, Bee Ong: 3d augmented mirror: a multimodal interface for string instrument learning and teaching with gesture support. ICMI 2007: 339-345
4EETillman Weyde, Christian Datzko: Efficient Melody Retrieval with Motif Contour Classes. ISMIR 2005: 686-689
3EETillman Weyde: The Influence of Pitch on Melodic Segmentation. ISMIR 2004
2EEKlaus Dalinghaus, Tillman Weyde: Structure recognition on sequences with a neuro-fuzzy-system. EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 386-391
1EEThomas Noll, Jörg Garbers, Karin Höthker, Christian Spevak, Tillman Weyde: Opuscope - Towards a Corpus-Based Music Repository. ISMIR 2002

Coauthor Index

1Klaus Dalinghaus [2]
2Christian Datzko [4]
3Jörg Garbers [1]
4Karin Höthker [1]
5Thijs Koerselman [5]
6Oliver Larkin [5]
7Kerstin Neubarth [5]
8Kia C. Ng [5]
9Thomas Noll [1]
10Bee Ong [5]
11Christian Spevak [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)