
Arthur W. Wetzel

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3EEArthur W. Wetzel, Gary L. Nieder, Geri Durka-Pelok, Thomas R. Gest, Stuart M. Pomerantz, Démian Nave, Silvester Czanner, Lynn Wagner, Ethan Shirey, David W. Deerfield: Photo-Realistic Representation of Anatomical Structures for Medical Education by Fusion of Volumetric and Surface Image Data. AIPR 2003: 131-140
2EEArthur W. Wetzel, Stuart M. Pomerantz, Démian Nave, Walter Meixner, G. Allan Johnson: Distributed Multiuser Visualization of Time Varying Anatomical Data. AIPR 2001: 109-114
1EEArthur W. Wetzel: Computational Aspects of Pathology Image Classification and Retrieval. The Journal of Supercomputing 11(3): 279-293 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Silvester Czanner [3]
2David W. Deerfield [3]
3Geri Durka-Pelok [3]
4Thomas R. Gest [3]
5G. Allan Johnson [2]
6Walter Meixner [2]
7Démian Nave [2] [3]
8Gary L. Nieder [3]
9Stuart M. Pomerantz [2] [3]
10Ethan Shirey [3]
11Lynn Wagner [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)