
Stephen Westland

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9EEQiao Chen, Lijie Wang, Stephen Westland: A Perceptual Study of Linear Models of Spectral Reflectance. CSSE (6) 2008: 309-312
8EELaura Iovine, Stephen Westland, Tsz Lock Vien Cheung: Application of Neugebauer Models to Ceramic Printing. Color Imaging Conference 2004: 176-180
7EEAlexis Gatt, Raja Bala, Stephen Westland: Testing the Softproofing Paradigm. Color Imaging Conference 2004: 187-192
6 David Connah, Jon Yngve Hardeberg, Stephen Westland: Comparison of linear spectral reconstruction methods for multispectral imaging. ICIP 2004: 1497-1500
5EETsz Lock Vien Cheung, Stephen Westland: An Evaluation of Multispectral Imaging Techniques for Camera Characterization. Color Imaging Conference 2003: 193-198
4EETsz Lock Vien Cheung, Stephen Westland: Color Camera Characterization Using Artificial Neural Networks. Color Imaging Conference 2002: 117-120
3EEHuw C. Owens, Stephen Westland, Koen Van de Velde, Paul Delabastita, Jürgen Jung: Contrast Sensitivity for Lime Purple and Cyan Orange Gratings. Color Imaging Conference 2002: 145-148
2EEDavid Connah, Stephen Westland, Mitchell G. A. Thomson: A Computational Model for the Design of a Multispectral Imaging System. Color Imaging Conference 2001: 130-134
1EELindsay W. MacDonald, Stephen Westland, Dong-Mei Liu: Multispectral Image Encoding and Compression. Color Imaging Conference 2001: 135-140

Coauthor Index

1Raja Bala [7]
2Qiao Chen [9]
3Tsz Lock Vien Cheung [4] [5] [8]
4David Connah [2] [6]
5Paul Delabastita [3]
6Alexis Gatt [7]
7Jon Yngve Hardeberg [6]
8Laura Iovine [8]
9Jürgen Jung [3]
10Dong-Mei Liu [1]
11Lindsay W. MacDonald [1]
12Huw C. Owens [3]
13Mitchell G. A. Thomson [2]
14Koen Van de Velde [3]
15Lijie Wang [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)