
Dwayne R. Westenskow

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5EES. Blake Wachter, Boaz Markewitz, Robert Rose, Dwayne R. Westenskow: Evaluation of a pulmonary graphical display in the medical intensive care unit: An observational study. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 38(3): 239-243 (2005)
4 Robert Albert, Noah Syroid, Yinqi Zhang, James Agutter, Frank Drews, David Strayer, George Hutchinson, Dwayne R. Westenskow: Psychophysical Scaling of a Cardiovascular Information Display. IEEE Visualization 2003: 35-42
3EEJames Agutter, Noah Syroid, Frank Drews, Dwayne R. Westenskow, Julio Bermudez, David Strayer: Graphic Data Display for Cardiovascular System. INFOVIS 2001: 163-
2EEJulio Bermudez, James Agutter, Debra Gondeck-Becker, Stefano Foresti, Dwayne R. Westenskow: Visualizing the Unseen Body: Architectural Potentials of Data Modeling. SIBGRAPI 1999: 61-64
1 Steven E. Kern, Joel O. Johnson, Dwayne R. Westenskow: Fuzzy logic for model adaptation of a pharmacokinetic-based closed loop delivery system for pancuronium. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 11(1): 9-31 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1James Agutter [2] [3] [4]
2Robert Albert [4]
3Julio Bermudez [2] [3]
4Frank Drews [3] [4]
5Stefano Foresti [2]
6Debra Gondeck-Becker [2]
7George Hutchinson [4]
8Joel O. Johnson [1]
9Steven E. Kern [1]
10Boaz Markewitz [5]
11Robert Rose [5]
12David Strayer [3] [4]
13Noah Syroid [3] [4]
14S. Blake Wachter [5]
15Yinqi Zhang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)