
Darrin West

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4EEDarrin West, Kiran S. Panesar: Automatic Incremental State Saving. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1996: 78-85
3EEDarrin West, John G. Cleary, Jim Hofmann, Larry Mellon, Jim Ramsey: Infrastructure for Rapid Execution of Strike-Planning Systems. Winter Simulation Conference 1995: 1207-1214
2EELarry Mellon, Darrin West: Architectural Optimizations to Advanced Distributed Simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1995: 634-641
1EEBrian Unger, John G. Cleary, Alan Covington, Darrin West: An external state management system for optimistic parallel simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1993: 750-755

Coauthor Index

1John G. Cleary [1] [3]
2Alan Covington [1]
3Jim Hofmann [3]
4Larry Mellon [2] [3]
5Kiran S. Panesar [4]
6Jim Ramsey [3]
7Brian Unger [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)