
Karl Friedrich Wender

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10 Günter Daniel Rey, Karl Friedrich Wender: Neuronale Netze - Eine Einführung in die Grundlagen, Anwendungen und Datenauswertung Hans Huber Verlag 2008
9 Christian Freksa, Wilfried Brauer, Christopher Habel, Karl Friedrich Wender: Spatial Cognition III, Routes and Navigation, Human Memory and Learning, Spatial Representation and Spatial Learning Springer 2003
8EEKarl Friedrich Wender, Daniel Haun, Björn Rasch, Matthias Blümke: Context Effects in Memory for Routes. Spatial Cognition 2003: 209-231
7 Christian Freksa, Wilfried Brauer, Christopher Habel, Karl Friedrich Wender: Spatial Cognition II, Integrating Abstract Theories, Empirical Studies, Formal Methods, and Practical Applications Springer 2000
6EESabine Schumacher, Karl Friedrich Wender, Rainer Rothkegel: Influences of Context on Memory for Routes. Spatial Cognition 2000: 348-362
5 Christian Freksa, Christopher Habel, Karl Friedrich Wender: Spatial Cognition, An Interdisciplinary Approach to Representing and Processing Spatial Knowledge Springer 1998
4EERainer Rothkegel, Karl Friedrich Wender, Sabine Schumacher: Judging Spatial Relations from Memory. Spatial Cognition 1998: 79-106
3EEKarl Friedrich Wender: Kontexteffekte und Routenwissen Context effects and route knowledge. Kognitionswissenschaft 7(2): 68-74 (1998)
2 Karl Friedrich Wender, Monika Wagner: Zur Verarbeitung räumlicher Informationen: Modelle und Experimente. Kognitionswissenschaft 1(1): 4-14 (1990)
1 Gerd Waloszek, Gerhard Weber, Karl Friedrich Wender: Probleme der Wissensrepräsentation in einem intelligenten LISP-Tutor. Wissensarten und ihre Darstellung 1986: 180-193

Coauthor Index

1Matthias Blümke [8]
2Wilfried Brauer [7] [9]
3Christian Freksa [5] [7] [9]
4Christopher Habel [5] [7] [9]
5Daniel Haun [8]
6Björn Rasch [8]
7Günter Daniel Rey [10]
8Rainer Rothkegel [4] [6]
9Sabine Schumacher [4] [6]
10Monika Wagner [2]
11Gerd Waloszek [1]
12Gerhard Weber [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)