
Christian Wellekens

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16EERenato de Mori, O. Deroo, Stéphane Dupont, Denis Jouvet, Luciano Fissore, Pietro Laface, Alfred Mertins, Christian Wellekens: Introduction to the Special Issue on Intrinsic Speech Variations. Speech Communication 49(10-11): 761-762 (2007)
15EEM. Benzeghiba, Renato de Mori, O. Deroo, Stéphane Dupont, T. Erbes, Denis Jouvet, Luciano Fissore, Pietro Laface, Alfred Mertins, Christophe Ris, R. Rose, Vivek Tyagi, Christian Wellekens: Automatic speech recognition and speech variability: A review. Speech Communication 49(10-11): 763-786 (2007)
14 Milos Cernak, Christian Wellekens: Diagnostics of speech recognition using classification phoneme diagnostic trees. Computational Intelligence 2006: 343-348
13EELuca Brayda, Christian Wellekens, Marco Matassoni, Maurizio Omologo: Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments Using Remote Microphones. ISM 2006: 584-591
12EEBen Milner, Christian Wellekens, Børge Lindberg: Special Issue on Robustness Issues for Conversational Interaction. Speech Communication 48(11): 1399-1401 (2006)
11EEVivek Tyagi, Christian Wellekens, Dirk T. M. Slock: Least squares filtering of speech signals for robust ASR. Speech Communication 48(11): 1528-1544 (2006)
10EEVivek Tyagi, Hervé Bourlard, Christian Wellekens: On variable-scale piecewise stationary spectral analysis of speech signals for ASR. Speech Communication 48(9): 1182-1191 (2006)
9EEVivek Tyagi, Christian Wellekens: Least Squares Filtering of Speech Signals for Robust ASR. MLMI 2005: 262-273
8EEVivek Tyagi, Christian Wellekens, Hervé Bourlard: A Variable-Scale Piecewise Stationary Spectral Analysis Technique Applied to ASR. MLMI 2005: 274-284
7EEFabio Valente, Christian Wellekens: Variational Bayesian Methods for Audio Indexing. MLMI 2005: 307-319
6EEJean-Claude Junqua, Christian Wellekens: Editorial. Speech Communication 42(1): 1-3 (2004)
5EEPerrine Delacourt, Christian Wellekens: Audio Data Indexing: Use of Second-Order Statistics for Speaker-Based Segmentation. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 959-963
4EEChristian Wellekens: Introduction to speech recognition using neural networks. ESANN 1998: 227-236
3 Luis B. Almeida, Christian Wellekens: Neural Networks, EURASIP Workshop 1990, Sesimbra, Portugal, February 15-17, 1990, Proceedings Springer 1990
2EEHervé Bourlard, Christian Wellekens: Links Between Markov Models and Multilayer Perceptrons. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 12(12): 1167-1178 (1990)
1EEHervé Bourlard, Christian Wellekens: Links Between Markov Models and Multilayer Perceptrons. NIPS 1988: 502-510

Coauthor Index

1Luis B. Almeida [3]
2M. Benzeghiba [15]
3Hervé Bourlard [1] [2] [8] [10]
4Luca Brayda [13]
5Milos Cernak [14]
6Perrine Delacourt [5]
7O. Deroo [15] [16]
8Stéphane Dupont [15] [16]
9T. Erbes [15]
10Luciano Fissore [15] [16]
11Denis Jouvet [15] [16]
12Jean-Claude Junqua [6]
13Pietro Laface [15] [16]
14Børge Lindberg [12]
15Marco Matassoni [13]
16Alfred Mertins [15] [16]
17Ben Milner [12]
18Renato de Mori [15] [16]
19Maurizio Omologo [13]
20Christophe Ris [15]
21R. Rose [15]
22Dirk T. M. Slock [11]
23Vivek Tyagi [8] [9] [10] [11] [15]
24Fabio Valente [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)