
Friedrich Wehrung

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9EEFriedrich Wehrung: Poset Representations of Distributive Semilattices. IJAC 18(2): 321-356 (2008)
8EEJirí Tuma, Friedrich Wehrung: Congruence Lifting of Diagrams of Finite Boolean Semilattices Requires Large Congruence Varieties. IJAC 16(3): 541-550 (2006)
7EEMarina Semenova, Friedrich Wehrung: Sublattices of Lattices of Order-Convex Sets, III: The Case Of Totally Ordered Sets. IJAC 14(3): 357-387 (2004)
6EEFriedrich Wehrung: Direct decompositions of non-algebraic complete lattices. Discrete Mathematics 263(1-3): 311-321 (2003)
5EEMarina Semenova, Friedrich Wehrung: Sublattices of Lattices of Order-Convex Sets, II. Posets of Finite Length. IJAC 13(5): 543-564 (2003)
4EEKira V. Adaricheva, Friedrich Wehrung: Embedding Finite Lattices into Finite Biatomic Lattices. Order 20(1): 31-48 (2003)
3EEJirí Tuma, Friedrich Wehrung: Simultaneous Representations of Semilattices by Lattices with Permutable Congruences. IJAC 11(2): 217-246 (2001)
2 Friedrich Wehrung: Boolean Universes above Boolean Models. J. Symb. Log. 58(4): 1219-1250 (1993)
1 Friedrich Wehrung: Nonabsoluteness of Elementary Embeddings. J. Symb. Log. 54(3): 774-778 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Kira V. Adaricheva [4]
2Marina Semenova [5] [7]
3Jirí Tuma [3] [8]

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