2007 |
8 | EE | Chohwa Gwak,
Kyubum Wee:
Construction of Hypercycles in Typogenetics with Evolutionary Algorithms.
ECAL 2007: 1060-1068 |
2006 |
7 | EE | Kyubum Wee,
Sinjae Kim:
Construction of Finite Automata for Intrusion Detection from System Call Sequences by Genetic Algorithms.
PAKDD 2006: 594-602 |
2005 |
6 | EE | Kyubum Wee,
Woosuk Lee:
Extensions and Variations on Construction of Autoreplicators in Typogenetics.
ECAL 2005: 685-694 |
2003 |
5 | EE | Kyubum Wee,
Byungeun Moon:
Automatic Generation of Finite State Automata for Detecting Intrusions Using System Call Sequences.
MMM-ACNS 2003: 206-216 |
4 | | Sungsu Kim,
Kyubum Wee:
Limits of Signature-Based Detection of Buffer Overflow Attacks.
Security and Management 2003: 288-293 |
3 | | Kyechan Lee,
Kyubum Wee:
Detection of Loadable Kernel Module Rootkit.
Security and Management 2003: 385-389 |
1999 |
2 | | Hongjin Yeh,
Kyubum Wee,
Manpyo Hong:
Optimal Scheduling Algorithms in WDM Optical Passive Star Networks.
IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 887-896 |
1 | | Youngho Park,
Manpyo Hong,
Yonghwa Lee,
Kyubum Wee,
Hongjin Yeh:
Optimal Transmission Scheduling for All-to-All Broadcast in WDM Optical Passive Star Networks.
PDPTA 1999: 2300-2306 |