
Christian Weber

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6 Christian Sassenberg, Christian Weber, Madjid Fathi, Alexander Holland, Ralf Montino: Feature Selection for Improving the Usability of Classification Results of High-Dimensional Data. DMIN 2008: 197-201
5EEAbsalom Zamorano, César López-Camarillo, Esther Orozco, Christian Weber, Nancy Guillen, Laurence A. Marchat: In silico analysis of EST and genomic sequences allowed the prediction of cis-regulatory elements for Entamoeba histolytica mRNA polyadenylation. Computational Biology and Chemistry 32(4): 256-263 (2008)
4EEIngmar Fliege, Rüdiger Grammes, Christian Weber: ConTraST - A Configurable SDL Transpiler and Runtime Environment. SAM 2006: 216-228
3 Christian Weber: Creation of a Family of Compilers and Runtime Environments by Combining Reusable Components. CC 1992: 110-124
2 Christian Weber: Ein Algorithmus zur Sortierung von Ketten. Angewandte Informatik 24(6): 320-325 (1982)
1 Christian Weber: Ein Verfahren zur schnellen Konsistenzprüfung von Datenbanken. Angewandte Informatik 23(11): 497-501 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Madjid Fathi [6]
2Ingmar Fliege [4]
3Rüdiger Grammes [4]
4Nancy Guillen [5]
5Alexander Holland [6]
6César López-Camarillo [5]
7Laurence A. Marchat [5]
8Ralf Montino [6]
9Esther Orozco [5]
10Christian Sassenberg [6]
11Absalom Zamorano [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)