
Charles F. Webb

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7EECharles F. Webb: IBM z10: The Next-Generation Mainframe Microprocessor. IEEE Micro 28(2): 19-29 (2008)
6EEUlrich Heinkel, Claus Mayer, Charles F. Webb, Hans Sahm, Werner Haas, Stefan Gossens: An Optimized Flow for Designing High-Speed, Large-Scale CMOS ASIC SoCs. SAMOS 2004: 98-107
5EEKenneth E. Plambeck, Wolfgang Eckert, Robert R. Rogers, Charles F. Webb: Development and attributes of z/Architecture. IBM Journal of Research and Development 46(4-5): 367-380 (2002)
4EEMichael F. Cowlishaw, Eric M. Schwarz, Ronald M. Smith, Charles F. Webb: A Decimal Floating-Point Specification. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 2001: 147-154
3EECharles F. Webb: S/390 microprocessor design. IBM Journal of Research and Development 44(6): 899-908 (2000)
2 Charles F. Webb, John S. Liptay: A High-Frequency Custom CMOS S/390 Microprocessor. ICCD 1997: 241-246
1EECharles F. Webb, John S. Liptay: A high-frequency custom CMOS S/390 microprocessor. IBM Journal of Research and Development 41(4&5): 463-474 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Michael F. Cowlishaw [4]
2Wolfgang Eckert [5]
3Stefan Gossens [6]
4Werner Haas [6]
5Ulrich Heinkel [6]
6John S. Liptay [1] [2]
7Claus Mayer [6]
8Kenneth E. Plambeck [5]
9Robert R. Rogers [5]
10Hans Sahm [6]
11Eric M. Schwarz [4]
12Ronald M. Smith [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)