
Thomas Way

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5EEMujtaba Talebi, Thomas Way: Methods, metrics and motivation for a green computer science program. SIGCSE 2009: 362-366
4 Thomas Way, Rushikesh Katikar, Ch. Purushotham: Nanocompilation for the Cell Matrix Architecture. CDES 2008: 129-135
3 Shashank Kaushik, Thomas Way: Design of an Automatic Password Protection Mechanism for Digital Documents. Security and Management 2008: 126-132
2 Thomas Way, Tao Tao: Compiling a Mechanical Nanocomputer Adder. CDES 2007: 22-28
1EERichard Kheir, Thomas Way: Inclusion of deaf students in computer science classes using real-time speech transcription. ITiCSE 2007: 261-265

Coauthor Index

1Rushikesh Katikar [4]
2Shashank Kaushik [3]
3Richard Kheir [1]
4Ch. Purushotham [4]
5Mujtaba Talebi [5]
6Tao Tao [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)