
Mati Wax

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3EERuby Tweg, Ruvi Alpert, Hanan Leizerovich, Avi Steiner, Evgeny Levitan, Einat Offir-Arad, Alex Bar Guy, Ben Zickel, Aviv Aviram, Amit Frieman, Mati Wax: ASIC Implementation of Beamforming and SDMA for WiFi Metropolitan-Area Deployment. GLOBECOM 2006
2EEJacob Sheinvald, Mati Wax: Direction finding with fewer receivers via time-varying preprocessing. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 47(1): 2-9 (1999)
1EEMati Wax, Yosef Anu: A least squares approach to blind beamforming. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 47(1): 231-234 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Ruvi Alpert [3]
2Yosef Anu [1]
3Aviv Aviram [3]
4Amit Frieman [3]
5Alex Bar Guy [3]
6Hanan Leizerovich [3]
7Evgeny Levitan [3]
8Einat Offir-Arad [3]
9Jacob Sheinvald [2]
10Avi Steiner [3]
11Ruby Tweg [3]
12Ben Zickel [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)