
Stephen M. Watt

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45EEOleg Golubitsky, Stephen M. Watt: Online stroke modeling for handwriting recognition. CASCON 2008: 6
44 Marc Moreno Maza, Stephen M. Watt: Parallel Symbolic Computation, PASCO 2007, International Workshop, 27-28 July 2007, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada ACM 2007
43 Stephen M. Watt, Jan Verschelde: Symbolic-Numeric Computation, SNC 2007, International Workshop, 25-27 July 2007, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada ACM 2007
42EEElena S. Smirnova, Stephen M. Watt: Aspects of Mathematical Expression Analysis in Arabic Handwriting. ICDAR 2007: 1183-1187
41EEBruce W. Char, Stephen M. Watt: Representing and Characterizing Handwritten Mathematical Symbols through Succinct Functional Approximation. ICDAR 2007: 1198-1202
40EEBirendra Keshari, Stephen M. Watt: Streaming-Archival InkML Conversion. ICDAR 2007: 1253-1257
39EEStephen M. Watt: New Aspects of InkML for Pen-Based Computing. ICDAR 2007: 457-460
38EEBirendra Keshari, Stephen M. Watt: Hybrid Mathematical Symbol Recognition Using Support Vector Machines. ICDAR 2007: 859-863
37EEThomas J. Ashby, Anthony D. Kennedy, Stephen M. Watt: Generation and optimisation of code using coxeter lattice paths. PASCO 2007: 1-10
36EEMarc Moreno Maza, Ben Stephenson, Stephen M. Watt, Yuzhen Xie: Multiprocessed parallelism support in ALDOR on SMPs and multicores. PASCO 2007: 60-68
35 Wolfram Decker, Mike Dewar, Erich Kaltofen, Stephen M. Watt: Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software, 02.07. - 07.07.2006 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006
34EEYannis Chicha, Stephen M. Watt: A Localized Tracing Scheme Applied to Garbage Collection. APLAS 2006: 323-339
33EEStephen M. Watt: Algorithms for Symbolic Polynomials. CASC 2006: 302
32EEWolfram Decker, Mike Dewar, Erich Kaltofen, Stephen M. Watt: 06271 Abstracts Collection -- Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software. Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software 2006
31EEWolfram Decker, Mike Dewar, Erich Kaltofen, Stephen M. Watt: 06271 Executive Summary - Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software. Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software 2006
30EEThomas J. Ashby, Anthony D. Kennedy, Stephen M. Watt: Coxeter Lattice Paths. Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software 2006
29EEStephen M. Watt: Pivot-Free Block Matrix Inversion. Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software 2006
28EEStephen M. Watt: Two Families of Algorithms for Symbolic Polynomials. Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software 2006
27EEStephen M. Watt: A technique for generic iteration and its optimization. ICFP-WGP 2006: 76-86
26EEStephen M. Watt: Improving Pen-Based Mathematical Interfaces. SYNASC 2006: 12
25EEStephen M. Watt: Pivot-Free Block Matrix Inversion. SYNASC 2006: 151-155
24 Clare M. So, Mark Perry, Stephen M. Watt: Towards an Accessible Web through Semantic Web Standards. CPSN 2005: 10-16
23EEStephen M. Watt, Xiaofang Xie: Recognition for Large Sets of Handwritten Mathematical Symbols. ICDAR 2005: 740-744
22EECosmin E. Oancea, Stephen M. Watt: Domains and expressions: an interface between two approaches to computer algebra. ISSAC 2005: 261-268
21EEClare M. So, Stephen M. Watt: Determining Empirical Characteristics of Mathematical Expression Use. MKM 2005: 361-375
20EECosmin E. Oancea, Stephen M. Watt: Parametric polymorphism for software component architectures. OOPSLA 2005: 147-166
19 Cosmin E. Oancea, Jason W. A. Selby, Mark Giesbrecht, Stephen M. Watt: Distributed Models of Thread Level Speculation. PDPTA 2005: 920-927
18EELaurentiu Dragan, Stephen M. Watt: Performance Analysis of Generics in Scientific Computing. SYNASC 2005: 93-100
17EEElena S. Smirnova, Clare M. So, Stephen M. Watt: An Architecture for Distributed Mathematical Web Services. MKM 2004: 363-377
16 Bill Naylor, Stephen M. Watt: Meta-Stylesheets for the Conversion of Mathematical Documents into Multiple Forms. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 38(1-3): 3-25 (2003)
15EERobert M. Corless, André Galligo, Ilias S. Kotsireas, Stephen M. Watt: A geometric-numeric algorithm for absolute factorization of multivariate polynomials. ISSAC 2002: 37-45
14 Russell J. Bradford, Robert M. Corless, James H. Davenport, David J. Jeffrey, Stephen M. Watt: Reasoning about the Elementary Functions of Complex Analysis. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 36(3): 303-318 (2002)
13EERobert M. Corless, Mark Giesbrecht, Mark van Hoeij, Ilias S. Kotsireas, Stephen M. Watt: Towards factoring bivariate approximate polynomials. ISSAC 2001: 85-92
12EERobert M. Corless, James H. Davenport, David J. Jeffrey, Gurjeet Litt, Stephen M. Watt: Reasoning about the Elementary Functions of Complex Analysis. AISC 2000: 115-126
11EERobert M. Corless, Mark Giesbrecht, Ilias S. Kotsireas, Stephen M. Watt: Numerical Implicitization of Parametric Hypersurfaces with Linear Algebra. AISC 2000: 174-183
10EERobert M. Corless, Mark Giesbrecht, David J. Jeffrey, Stephen M. Watt: Approximate polynomial decomposition. ISSAC 1999: 213-219
9 André Galligo, Stephen M. Watt: A Numerical Absolute Primality Test for Bivariate Polynomials. ISSAC 1997: 217-224
8 Stéphane Dalmas, Marc Gaëtano, Stephen M. Watt: An OpenMath 1.0 Implementation. ISSAC 1997: 241-248
7EERobert M. Corless, Patrizia M. Gianni, Barry M. Trager, Stephen M. Watt: The Singular Value Decomposition for Polynomial Systems. ISSAC 1995: 195-207
6EEPeter A. Broadbery, T. Gómez-Díaz, Stephen M. Watt: On the Implementation of Dynamic Evaluation. ISSAC 1995: 77-84
5EEStephen M. Watt, Peter A. Broadbery, Samuel S. Dooley, Pietro Iglio, Scott C. Morrison, Jonathan M. Steinbach, Robert S. Sutor: A First Report on the A# Compiler. ISSAC 1994: 25-31
4 Stephen M. Watt: A Fixed Point Method for Power Series Computation. ISSAC 1988: 206-217
3 William H. Burge, Stephen M. Watt: Infinite structures in SCRATCHPAD II. EUROCAL 1987: 138-148
2 Richard D. Jenks, Robert S. Sutor, Stephen M. Watt: Scratchpad II: An Abstract Datatype System for Mathematical Computation. Trends in Computer Algebra 1987: 12-37
1 Stephen M. Watt: A System for Parallel Computer Algebra Programs. European Conference on Computer Algebra (2) 1985: 537-538

Coauthor Index

1Thomas J. Ashby [30] [37]
2Russell J. Bradford [14]
3Peter A. Broadbery [5] [6]
4William H. Burge [3]
5Bruce W. Char [41]
6Yannis Chicha [34]
7Robert M. Corless [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
8Stéphane Dalmas [8]
9James H. Davenport [12] [14]
10Wolfram Decker [31] [32] [35]
11Mike Dewar [31] [32] [35]
12Samuel S. Dooley [5]
13Laurentiu Dragan [18]
14Marc Gaëtano [8]
15André Galligo [9] [15]
16Patrizia M. Gianni [7]
17Mark Giesbrecht [10] [11] [13] [19]
18Oleg Golubitsky [45]
19T. Gómez-Díaz [6]
20Mark van Hoeij [13]
21Pietro Iglio [5]
22David J. Jeffrey [10] [12] [14]
23Richard D. Jenks [2]
24Erich Kaltofen [31] [32] [35]
25Anthony D. Kennedy [30] [37]
26Birendra Keshari [38] [40]
27Ilias S. Kotsireas [11] [13] [15]
28Gurjeet Litt [12]
29Marc Moreno Maza [36] [44]
30Scott C. Morrison [5]
31Bill Naylor [16]
32Cosmin E. Oancea [19] [20] [22]
33Mark Perry [24]
34Jason W. A. Selby [19]
35Elena S. Smirnova [17] [42]
36Clare M. So [17] [21] [24]
37Jonathan M. Steinbach [5]
38Ben Stephenson [36]
39Robert S. Sutor [2] [5]
40Barry M. Trager [7]
41Jan Verschelde [43]
42Xiaofang Xie [23]
43Yuzhen Xie [36]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)