
Yasuo Watanabe

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5EESomboon Theerawisitpong, Toshitatsu Suzuki, Tadahiro Negishi, Yasuo Watanabe: Near-Field Transmission Imaging by 60 GHz Band Waveguide-Type Microscopic Aperture Probe. IEICE Transactions 90-B(9): 2387-2393 (2007)
4EEAkira Nomoto, Yasuo Watanabe, Wataru Kaneko, Shugo Nakamura, Kentaro Shimizu: Distributed Shared Arrays: Portable Shared-Memory Programming Interface for Multiple Computer Systems. Cluster Computing 7(1): 65-72 (2004)
3EEWataru Kaneko, Akira Nomoto, Yasuo Watanabe, Shugo Nakamura, Kentaro Shimizu: Design and Implementation of a Parallel Programming Environment Based on Distributed Shared Arrays. ISHPC 2003: 402-411
2 Yasuo Watanabe, Katsutoshi Takahashi: A Fast Structural Matching and its Application to Pattern Analysis of 2-D Electrophoresis Images. ICIP (3) 1998: 804-808
1EEYasuo Watanabe, Katsutoshi Takahashi, Masayuki Nakazawa: Automated detection and matching of spots in autoradiogram images of two-dimensional electrophoresis for high-speed genome scanning. ICIP (3) 1997: 496-499

Coauthor Index

1Wataru Kaneko [3] [4]
2Shugo Nakamura [3] [4]
3Masayuki Nakazawa [1]
4Tadahiro Negishi [5]
5Akira Nomoto [3] [4]
6Kentaro Shimizu [3] [4]
7Toshitatsu Suzuki [5]
8Katsutoshi Takahashi [1] [2]
9Somboon Theerawisitpong [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)