
Nobuyuki Watanabe

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2EETsuneko A. Kura, Nobuyuki Watanabe, Shigeru Takano, Hideaki Kanayama: A proposal of facial picture control incorporating several essences of conversation. Systems and Computers in Japan 29(7): 57-64 (1998)
1EEShinji Tsuruoka, Nobuyuki Watanabe, N. Minamide, Fumitaka Kimura, Yasuji Miyake, Malayappan Shridhar: Base line correction for handwritten word recognition. ICDAR 1995: 902-905

Coauthor Index

1Hideaki Kanayama [2]
2Fumitaka Kimura [1]
3Tsuneko A. Kura [2]
4N. Minamide [1]
5Yasuji Miyake [1]
6Malayappan Shridhar [1]
7Shigeru Takano [2]
8Shinji Tsuruoka [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)