
Peter Warren

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6EEPeter Warren, Deanne Taylor, Paolo G. V. Martini, Jennifer Jackson, Jadwiga R. Bienkowska: PANP - a New Method of Gene Detection on Oligonucleotide Expression Arrays. BIBE 2007: 108-115
5EEPeter Warren: Learning to Program: Spreadsheets, Scripting and HCI. ACE 2004: 327-333
4EEJuan Mora, Joan Colomer, Joaquím Meléndez, Francisco Gamero, Peter Warren: Hybrid Approach Based on Temporal Representation and Classification Techniques Used to Determine Unstable Conditions in a Blast Furnace. CAEPIA 2003: 404-414
3EEPeter Fröst, Michael Johansson, Peter Warren: A computer game virtual environment for collaboration. GROUP 2001: 1-2
2EEPeter Fröst, Peter Warren: Virtual Reality Used in a Collaborative Architectural Design Process. IV 2000: 568-
1 Janet Wesson, Gideon de V. de Kock, Peter Warren: Designing for Usability: A Case Study. INTERACT 1997: 31-38

Coauthor Index

1Jadwiga R. Bienkowska [6]
2Joan Colomer [4]
3Peter Fröst [2] [3]
4Francisco Gamero [4]
5Jennifer Jackson [6]
6Michael Johansson [3]
7Gideon de V. de Kock [1]
8Paolo G. V. Martini [6]
9Joaquím Meléndez [4]
10Juan Mora [4]
11Deanne Taylor [6]
12Janet Wesson [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)