
Jim Warren

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12EEGuocai Chen, Jim Warren, Tao Yang, Vojislav Kecman: Adaptive K-Local Hyperplane (AKLH) Classifiers on Semantic Spaces to Determine Health Consumer Webpage Metadata. CBMS 2008: 287-289
11EEThusitha De Silva Mabotuwana, Jim Warren: A Semantic Web Technology Based Approach to Identify Hypertensive Patients for Follow-Up/Recall. CBMS 2008: 318-323
10EEGuocai Chen, Jim Warren, Robert McArthur, Peter Bruza, Debbie Kralik, Kay Price: Understanding Individual Experiences of Chronic Illness with Semantic Space Models of Electronic Discussions. CBMS 2007: 548-553
9EEJim Warren, Gordana Culjak, Cynthia LeRouge: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2006
8EERobert McArthur, Peter Bruza, Jim Warren, Debbie Kralik: Projecting Computational Sense of Self: A Study of Transition in a Chronic Illness Online Community. HICSS 2006
7EEChunlan Ma, Jim Warren, Jan Staneck, Patrick Phillips: An Adaptive Profile Driven Consumer Education Web Portal for Diabetes. HICSS 2005
6EEJim Warren, Gordana Culjak: Minitrack Chair's Introduction: Consumer Health Informatics. HICSS 2005
5EEJim Warren, Maria Lundström, David Osborne, Monica Kempster, Sara Jones, Chunlan Ma, Mark Jasiunas: A Multi-Interface, Multi-Profiling System for Chronic Disease Management Learning. HICSS 2004
4EESistine A. Barretto, Jim Warren, Andrew Goodchild: Designing Guideline-Based Workflow-Enabled Electronic Health Records. HICSS 2004
3 Linda Bird, Sam Heard, Jim Warren: Guest Editorial- Special Issue - Knowledge Management in Healthcare. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 35(2): 65-66 (2003)
2EEJim Warren: Cost/Benefit Based Adaptive Dialog: Case Study Using Empirical Medical Practice Norms and Intelligent Split Menus. AUIC 2001: 100-107
1EEJim Warren: Personal computing: an overview for computer professionals. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1977: 493-498

Coauthor Index

1Sistine A. Barretto [4]
2Linda Bird [3]
3Peter Bruza (Peter D. Bruza) [8] [10]
4Guocai Chen [10] [12]
5Gordana Culjak [6] [9]
6Andrew Goodchild [4]
7Sam Heard [3]
8Mark Jasiunas [5]
9Sara Jones [5]
10Vojislav Kecman [12]
11Monica Kempster [5]
12Debbie Kralik [8] [10]
13Cynthia LeRouge [9]
14Maria Lundström [5]
15Chunlan Ma [5] [7]
16Thusitha De Silva Mabotuwana [11]
17Robert McArthur [8] [10]
18David Osborne [5]
19Patrick Phillips [7]
20Kay Price [10]
21Jan Staneck [7]
22Tao Yang [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)