
Rich Wareham

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3EERich Wareham, Joan Lasenby: Mesh Vertex Pose and Position Interpolation Using Geometric Algebra. AMDO 2008: 122-131
2EERich Wareham, Joan Lasenby: Bone Glow: An Improved Method for the Assignment of Weights for Mesh Deformation. AMDO 2008: 63-71
1EERich Wareham, Jonathan Cameron, Joan Lasenby: Applications of Conformal Geometric Algebra in Computer Vision and Graphics. IWMM/GIAE 2004: 329-349

Coauthor Index

1Jonathan Cameron [1]
2Joan Lasenby [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)