
Paramote Wardkein

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9EER. Punchalard, Jeerasuda Koseeyaporn, Paramote Wardkein: Adaptive IIR notch filter using a modified sign algorithm. Signal Processing 89(2): 239-243 (2009)
8EER. Punchalard, A. Lorsawatsiri, W. Loetwassana, Jeerasuda Koseeyaporn, Paramote Wardkein, A. Roeksabutr: Direct frequency estimation based adaptive algorithm for a second-order adaptive FIR notch filter. Signal Processing 88(2): 315-325 (2008)
7EER. Punchalard, A. Lorsawatsiri, Jeerasuda Koseeyaporn, Paramote Wardkein, A. Roeksabutr: Adaptive IIR notch filters based on new error criteria. Signal Processing 88(3): 685-703 (2008)
6EER. Punchalard, Jeerasuda Koseeyaporn, Paramote Wardkein: Inverse Tangent Based Adaptive IIR Notch Filter. APCCAS 2006: 1208-1211
5EER. Punchalard, Jeerasuda Koseeyaporn, Paramote Wardkein: Analytic Solution of Amplitude Controlled Digital Oscillator Using Multi-Time Variables Technique. APCCAS 2006: 2012-2015
4EET. Maneechukate, Jeerasuda Koseeyaporn, Paramote Wardkein, Poolsak Koseeyaporn: Amplitude modulation based on time-varying forced function of second-order oscillator circuit. ISCAS 2006
3 Montree Siripruchyanun, Poolsak Koseeyaporn, Jeerasuda Koseeyaporn, Paramote Wardkein: Fully current controllable AM/FM modulator and quadrature sinusoidal oscillator based on CCCIIs. ISCAS (4) 2004: 549-552
2EEMontree Siripruchyanun, Poolsak Koseeyaporn, Jeerasuda Koseeyaporn, Paramote Wardkein: Two low-voltage high-speed CMOS frequency-insensitive PWM signal generators based on relaxation oscillator. ISCAS (4) 2004: 764-767
1EEMontree Siripruchyanun, Paramote Wardkein: Low-voltage high-speed PWM signal generations based on relaxation oscillator. APCCAS (2) 2002: 371-374

Coauthor Index

1Jeerasuda Koseeyaporn [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Poolsak Koseeyaporn [2] [3] [4]
3W. Loetwassana [8]
4A. Lorsawatsiri [7] [8]
5T. Maneechukate [4]
6R. Punchalard [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
7A. Roeksabutr [7] [8]
8Montree Siripruchyanun [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)