
Y.-F. Wang

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2EEDuong Le Huynh, Morten Jensen, Rolf Larsen, Jonathan Southard, Y.-F. Wang, Yulun Wang, Amante Mangaser: PIX: An object-oriented network graphics environment. Computers & Graphics 17(3): 295-304 (1993)
1 Alejandro P. Buchmann, Oliver Günther, Terence R. Smith, Y.-F. Wang: Design and Implementation of Large Spatial Databases, First Symposium SSD'89, Santa Barbara, California, July 17/18, 1989, Proceedings Springer 1990

Coauthor Index

1Alejandro P. Buchmann [1]
2Oliver Günther [1]
3Duong Le Huynh [2]
4Morten Jensen [2]
5Rolf Larsen [2]
6Amante Mangaser [2]
7Terence R. Smith [1]
8Jonathan Southard [2]
9Yulun Wang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)