
Xiaoli Wang

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11EEXiaoli Wang, Hongya Ge: Spreading Codes Enabling Warp Converging Wiener Filters for Multiuser Detection in CDMA Systems. ICC 2008: 866-870
10EEXiaoli Wang, Lan Wang, Yingjie Wang, Daqing Gu: Reliable Multicast Mechanism in WLAN with Extended Implicit MAC Acknowledgment. VTC Spring 2008: 2695-2699
9EEXiaoli Wang, Hongya Ge: Codeword Design for Multiple-Access Precoded Ultra-Wideband Communication System. CISS 2007: 147-150
8EEXiaoli Wang, Hongya Ge: On the CRLB and Low-Complexity Channel Estimation for UWB Communications. CISS 2007: 151-153
7EEXiaoli Wang, Daqing Gu, Tao Shu: Adaptive Application-specific Cooperative Relay for Wireless Video Sensor Networks. FGCN (2) 2007: 390-395
6EEXiaoli Wang, Guobiao Zhou: A new filled function for unconstrained global optimization. Applied Mathematics and Computation 174(1): 419-429 (2006)
5EEShuguang Li, Guojun Li, Xiaoli Wang, Qiming Liu: Minimizing makespan on a single batching machine with release times and non-identical job sizes. Oper. Res. Lett. 33(2): 157-164 (2005)
4EEGuojun Li, Xingqin Qi, Xiaoli Wang, Binhai Zhu: A Linear-Time Algorithm for Computing Translocation Distance between Signed Genomes. CPM 2004: 323-332
3EEGrace I. Paterson, Michael A. Shepherd, Xiaoli Wang, Carolyn R. Watters, David Zitner: Using the XML-Based Clinical Document Architecture for Exchange of Structured Discharge Summaries. HICSS 2002: 119
2EEXiaoli Wang, Walter Karten: Organizational Structure Triangle Stability. Human.Society@Internet 2001: 299-306
1EEXiaoli Wang, Gilles Bertrand: Some Sequential Algorithms for a Generalized Distance Transformation Based on Minkowski Operations. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(11): 1114-1121 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Gilles Bertrand [1]
2Hongya Ge [8] [9] [11]
3Daqing Gu [7] [10]
4Walter Karten [2]
5Guojun Li [4] [5]
6Shuguang Li [5]
7Qiming Liu [5]
8Grace I. Paterson [3]
9Xingqin Qi [4]
10Michael A. Shepherd [3]
11Tao Shu [7]
12Lan Wang [10]
13Yingjie Wang [10]
14Carolyn R. Watters [3]
15Guobiao Zhou [6]
16Binhai Zhu [4]
17David Zitner [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)