
Hongxue Wang

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8 Hongxue Wang: XEML - An Extensible Educational Markup Language for E-Learning. CATE 2004: 303-308
7 Pete Holt, Hongxue Wang: On security issues in Internet-based distance education. WebNet 2001: 1312-1317
6 Hongxue Wang, Vijay Varadharajan, Yan Zhang: Towards a Generic Logic for Analysing Network Protocols. ICDCS Workshop on Internet 2000: A19-A26
5EEHongxue Wang, Vijay Varadharajan, John K. Slaney: Towards Perfect Objects. TOOLS (32) 1999: 115-126
4 Hongxue Wang: Constraint Resolution within Object Hierarchies. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1998: 249-260
3 Hongxue Wang, John K. Slaney: GISM: A Language for Modelling and Developing Agent-Based Intelligent Systems. DAI 1998: 122-136
2EEHongxue Wang, Vijay Varadharajan, Yan Zhang: A Secure Communication Scheme for Multiagent Systems. PRIMA 1998: 174-185
1 Hongxue Wang: Constrainted Object Hierarchy - An Architecture for Intelligent Systems. IJCAI 1997: 1546

Coauthor Index

1Pete Holt [7]
2John K. Slaney [3] [5]
3Vijay Varadharajan [2] [5] [6]
4Yan Zhang [2] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)