
Guangxing Wang

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7EEZhigang Zhao, Changqing Gong, Guangxing Wang: Identification of Faulty Links in LEO/MEO Satellite Communication Networks. ICECCS 2005: 394-400
6EEChangqing Gong, Zhigang Zhao, Guangxing Wang: Research of TCP Vegas Congestion Control Algorithm in Ad Hoc Networks. PDCAT 2005: 644-648
5EEQinghui Wang, Junsuo Sun, Guangxing Wang: A Dual-Channel Routing Scheme in Ad Hoc Networks. PDCAT 2005: 720-722
4EEDongni Li, Xufei Mao, Jing Yu, Guangxing Wang: A Destruction-Resistant Dynamic Routing Algorithm for LEO/MEO Satellite Networks. CIT 2004: 522-527
3EEJianli Zhao, Yingyou Wen, Ruiqiang Shang, Guangxing Wang: Optimizing Sensor Node Distribution with Genetic Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network. ISNN (2) 2004: 242-247
2EEShoufan Fang, George Z. Gertner, Svetlana Shinkareva, Guangxing Wang, Alan Anderson: Improved generalized Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (FAST) for model assessment. Statistics and Computing 13(3): 221-226 (2003)
1EEYongyi Zhao, Guangxing Wang: A CORBA-Based Negotiation Strategy in E-Commerce. EDCIS 2002: 478-486

Coauthor Index

1Alan Anderson [2]
2Shoufan Fang [2]
3George Z. Gertner [2]
4Changqing Gong [6] [7]
5Dongni Li [4]
6Xufei Mao [4]
7Ruiqiang Shang [3]
8Svetlana Shinkareva [2]
9Junsuo Sun [5]
10Qinghui Wang [5]
11Yingyou Wen [3]
12Jing Yu [4]
13Jianli Zhao [3]
14Yongyi Zhao [1]
15Zhigang Zhao [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)