
David T. Wang

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13 Daniel Y. Chao, David T. Wang: Two theoretical and practical aspects of knitting technique: invariants and a new class of Petri net. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 27(6): 962-977 (1997)
12 Daniel Y. Chao, David T. Wang: The Knitting Technique and Its Application to Communication Protocol Synthesis. MASCOTS 1994: 234-238
11 Daniel Y. Chao, David T. Wang: An Interactive Tool for Design, Simulation, Verification, and Synthesis of Protocols. MASCOTS 1994: 381-385
10 Daniel Y. Chao, MengChu Zhou, David T. Wang: Extending the Knitting Technique to Petri Net Synthesis of Automated Manufacturing Systems. Comput. J. 37(1): 67-76 (1994)
9EEDaniel Y. Chao, David T. Wang: A synthesis technique of general petri nets. Journal of Systems Integration 4(1): 67-102 (1994)
8 Daniel Y. Chao, David T. Wang: An Interactive Tool for Design, Simulation, Verification, and Synthesis of Protocols. Softw., Pract. Exper. 24(8): 747-783 (1994)
7 Daniel Y. Chao, David T. Wang: X-Window Implementation of Finding Critical Loop, Next-Critical Loops and Iteration Bounds of Data Flow Graphs. MASCOTS 1993: 107-112
6 Daniel Y. Chao, David T. Wang: Minimum Marking for No Loop-Combination of General Petri Nets. MASCOTS 1993: 265-270
5 Daniel Y. Chao, David T. Wang, D. C. Douglas Hung: Convergence Time and Memory Capacity of Higher-order Hopfield Associative Memory with Multi-valued Neurons. Comput. J. 36(6): 554-561 (1993)
4 David T. Wang, Ching-Song Wei, Shy-Shyan Chen, Bang-Chiang Sung, Tzong-Huei Shiau, Peter A. Ng: Cross Correlation of Sampled Boundary Distances - An Application to Object Recognition. ICSI 1990: 224-235
3EEDavid T. Wang, Jaw-Chuan Ho, Jyh-Woei Chen, Shwu-Jin Lay, Peter A. Ng: Recognition of Partially Obscured Family of Objects Stretched along Axis of Symmetry. MVA 1990: 71-76
2 David T. Wang: An Algorithm for the Genaration of Test Sets for Conmbinational Logic Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(7): 742-746 (1975)
1 David T. Wang: Properties of Faults and Criticalities of Values under Tests for Combinational Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(7): 746-750 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Y. Chao [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
2Jyh-Woei Chen [3]
3Shy-Shyan Chen [4]
4Jaw-Chuan Ho [3]
5D. C. Douglas Hung [5]
6Shwu-Jin Lay [3]
7Peter A. Ng [3] [4]
8Tzong-Huei Shiau [4]
9Bang-Chiang Sung [4]
10Ching-Song Wei [4]
11MengChu Zhou [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)