
Chih-Chien Wang

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8EEChih-Chien Wang, Chun-An Chen, Jui-Chin Jiang: The Impact of Knowledge and Trust on E-Consumers' Online Shopping Activities: An Empirical Study. JCP 4(1): 11-18 (2009)
7EEJui-Chin Jiang, Chun-An Chen, Chih-Chien Wang: Knowledge and Trust in E-consumers' Online Shopping Behavior. ISECS 2008: 652-656
6EEChun-Hung Lu, Chih-Chien Wang, Min-Yuh Day, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Wen-Lian Hsu: Using "Cited by" Information to Find the Context of Research Papers. ISI Workshops 2008: 343-354
5EEChih-Chien Wang, Shu-Chen Chang: Online Chat Dependency: The Influence of Social Anxiety. IEICE Transactions 91-D(6): 1622-1627 (2008)
4EEChih-Chien Wang, Sheng-Yi Chen: Using header session messages to anti-spamming. Computers & Security 26(5): 381-390 (2007)
3EEChih-Chien Wang, Cheng-Yu Lai: Knowledge Contribution in the Online Virtual Community: Capability and Motivation. KSEM 2006: 442-453
2EEShu-Heng Chen, Li-Cheng Sun, Chih-Chien Wang: Network Topologies and Consumption Externalities. JSAI Workshops 2005: 314-329
1 Chih-Chien Wang: Sender and Receiver Addresses as Cues for Anti-Spam Filtering. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 36(1): 3-7 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Shu-Chen Chang [5]
2Chun-An Chen [7] [8]
3Sheng-Yi Chen [4]
4Shu-Heng Chen [2]
5Min-Yuh Day [6]
6Wen-Lian Hsu [6]
7Jui-Chin Jiang [7] [8]
8Cheng-Yu Lai [3]
9Chun-Hung Lu [6]
10Chorng-Shyong Ong [6]
11Li-Cheng Sun [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)