
Chia-Wei Wang

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6EEChia-Wei Wang, Wen-Huang Cheng, Jun-Cheng Chen, Shu-Sian Yang, Ja-Ling Wu: Film Narrative Exploration Through the Analysis of Aesthetic Elements. MMM (1) 2007: 606-615
5EEChia-Wei Wang, Hung-Chang Hsiao, Wen-Hung Sun, Chung-Ta King, Ming-Tsung Sun: Building a tuple space on structured peer-to-peer networks. The Journal of Supercomputing 40(3): 213-227 (2007)
4EEWei-Ta Chu, Chia-Wei Wang, Ja-Ling Wu: Extraction of Baseball Trajectory and Physics-Based Validation for Single-View Baseball Video Sequences. ICME 2006: 1813-1816
3EEHung-Chang Hsiao, Chung-Ta King, Chia-Wei Wang: TYPHOON: mobile distributed hash tables. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(2): 191-206 (2005)
2EEWei-Ta Chu, Wen-Huang Cheng, Sheng-Fang He, Chia-Wei Wang, Ja-Ling Wu: A Unified Framework Using Spatial Color Descriptor and Motion-Based Post Refinement for Shot Boundary Detection. PCM (3) 2004: 558-565
1EEPi-Rong Sheu, Chia-Wei Wang: Minimizing Both the Number of Clusters and the Variation of Cluster Sizes for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICOIN 2003: 682-691

Coauthor Index

1Jun-Cheng Chen [6]
2Wen-Huang Cheng [2] [6]
3Wei-Ta Chu [2] [4]
4Sheng-Fang He [2]
5Hung-Chang Hsiao [3] [5]
6Chung-Ta King [3] [5]
7Pi-Rong Sheu [1]
8Ming-Tsung Sun [5]
9Wen-Hung Sun [5]
10Ja-Ling Wu [2] [4] [6]
11Shu-Sian Yang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)