
Joanne Walters-Wayland

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5EEThemba Dube, Joanne Walters-Wayland: Weakly Pseudocompact Frames. Applied Categorical Structures 16(6): 749-761 (2008)
4EERichard N. Ball, Anthony W. Hager, Joanne Walters-Wayland: An Intrinsic Characterization of Monomorphisms in Regular Lindelöf Locales. Applied Categorical Structures 15(1-2): 109-118 (2007)
3EEThemba Dube, Joanne Walters-Wayland: Coz-onto Frame Maps and Some Applications. Applied Categorical Structures 15(1-2): 119-133 (2007)
2EERichard N. Ball, Joanne Walters-Wayland: Well-Embedding and Gdelta-Density in a Pointfree Setting. Applied Categorical Structures 14(4): 351-355 (2006)
1EEJoanne Walters-Wayland: A Shirota Theorem for Frames. Applied Categorical Structures 7(3): 271-277 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Richard N. Ball [2] [4]
2Themba Dube [3] [5]
3Anthony W. Hager [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)