
G. William Walster

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9EEEldon R. Hansen, G. William Walster: Solving Overdetermined Systems of Interval Linear Equations. Reliable Computing 12(3): 239-243 (2006)
8EEG. William Walster, Vladik Kreinovich: Corrigendum to "Computational complexity of optimization and crude range testing: a new approach motivated by fuzzy optimization": [Fuzzy Sets and Systems 135 (2003) 179-208]. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 141(1): 163 (2004)
7EEG. William Walster, Vladik Kreinovich: Computational complexity of optimization and crude range testing: a new approach motivated by fuzzy optimization. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 135(1): 179-208 (2003)
6EEG. William Walster, Eldon R. Hansen: Computing Interval Parameter Bounds from Fallible Measurements Using Overdetermined (Tall) Systems of Nonlinear Equations. COCOS 2002: 171-177
5EEEldon R. Hansen, G. William Walster: Sharp Bounds on Interval Polynomial Roots. Reliable Computing 8(2): 115-122 (2002)
4EEEugene Loh, G. William Walster: Rump's Example Revisited. Reliable Computing 8(3): 245-248 (2002)
3EER. Baker Kearfott, G. William Walster: SIAM Conference on Optimization, Validated Computing 2002, and the Fields Institute Informal Working Group on Validated Optimization. Reliable Computing 8(5): 419-424 (2002)
2EER. Baker Kearfott, G. William Walster: Symbolic Preconditioning with Taylor Models: Some Examples. Reliable Computing 8(6): 453-468 (2002)
1EER. Baker Kearfott, G. William Walster: On stopping criteria in verified nonlinear systems or optimization algorithms. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 26(3): 373-389 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Eldon R. Hansen [5] [6] [9]
2R. Baker Kearfott [1] [2] [3]
3Vladik Kreinovich [7] [8]
4Eugene Loh [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)