
David Walsh

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6EEBing Bing Zhou, David Walsh, Richard P. Brent: Resource Allocation Schemes for Gang Scheduling. JSSPP 2000: 74-86
5EEBing Bing Zhou, Paul Mackerras, Chris W. Johnson, David Walsh, Richard P. Brent: An Efficient Resource Allocation Scheme for Gang Scheduling. IWCC 1999: 187-194
4EEKuniyasu Suzaki, David Walsh: Scheduling on AP/Linux for Fine and Coarse Grain Parallel Processes. JSSPP 1999: 111-128
3EEBing Bing Zhou, Richard P. Brent, Chris W. Johnson, David Walsh: Job Re-pacing for Enhancing the Performance of Gang Scheduling. JSSPP 1999: 129-143
2EEBing Bing Zhou, Richard P. Brent, David Walsh, Kuniyasu Suzaki: Job Scheduling Strategies for Networks of Workstations. JSSPP 1998: 143-157
1EEKuniyasu Suzaki, David Walsh: Implementing the Combination of Time Sharing and Space Sharing on AP/Linux. JSSPP 1998: 83-97

Coauthor Index

1Richard P. Brent [2] [3] [5] [6]
2Chris W. Johnson [3] [5]
3Paul Mackerras [5]
4Kuniyasu Suzaki [1] [2] [4]
5Bing Bing Zhou [2] [3] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)